Sketching Analysis
Project Brief
In this project, we were to conduct research and architectural analysis on 5 Modern Malaysian architecture and compose them into an A4 sketches booklet. This project was to train students in documenting Malaysia heritage buildings in the form of sketches and diagramming. Students will also have to consider about the architectural styes, construction materials, and components of the buildings.
The reason why I chose these 5 buildings was because all of these buildings have different architectural styles and I would be able to learn the differences in the characteristics of each style.
This project has trained me to record in a diagrammatic manner. Although there is a lot of information about the buildings, I have learned to summarize and input the important content only and kept it minimal with related content. Used to draw buildings in monochromatic form, this project has also allowed me to try on rendering buildings with watercolour and the result achieved was satisfying.